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MiseNoMa Membership

The Voice Message in Text

This membership is where you can be proactively involved and enjoy the community if you wish.

It’s your way of letting us know that you support us, are interested in what we do, or are curious about our services or what we will do next.

Member’s Benefits

  • A link to access the Members Only Webpage with free content
  • A link to book the Members Only Casual One-to-One Chat
  • The direct contact information for our founder
  • The right to have a say in our community
  • The upcoming information of your choice

And we only bother your inbox twice a month at most!

You can receive the information of your choice

  • New changes & future updates
  • Upcoming events
  • New products, services & deals
  • Bespoke Order/Product Development
  • Experience in Shikoku, Japan
  • Ideas/Solutions for your profession (Retail, Art & Culture, Education, Event)

When you sign up for our membership, you can choose the types of information you want to receive!

~ virtual store counter ~ Coffee/Nightcap Chat

Available Fridays

8 PM~midnight

New York
3 PM~7PM

Los Angeles
noon~3 PM

MiseNoMa members will receive a link to a secret booking calendar for our MiseNoMa Coffee/Nightcap One-to-One casual Zoom chat.

Let Satoko join your 15-minute coffee break or nightcap when you need a break outside of your everyday circle or for whatever reason.

Whereas other meeting bookings need to be made three to seven days in advance, you can make a booking 10 minutes before you wish to join.

This coffee chat doesn’t have to be about our services. Let’s keep it casual. Let’s chat and hang out.

Hello, thank you for being deeply interested in learning about MiseNoMa. I’m Satoko the founder of “KoLe SHIKOKU, Japan”(KoLe). While “MiseNoMa” is the name of KoLe’s community online event—a member-exclusive, one-on-one Zoom, casual communication opportunity—it is also a Japanese word for the front room of a Japanese merchant-style house.

Misenoma is used as a store for customers, collaborating businesses, and visitors who drop by to talk about the business. Although my family hasn’t run any business from this house since I became aware of things, we have been calling the room “mise,” which means store or shop, until today.

*My grandfather used to run a business from this house when he was much younger.

I still remember when my grandparents were alive and younger, many visitors came and went. They talked with my grandparents in the “Misenoma” about all sorts of things that the younger me could not understand. I know and remember enough that the room was filled with vibrant energy and a sense of community.

I was thinking about a way for us (you and me) to communicate as if I had a physical store. You can just drop by and have a quick chat while all of us stay in our locations. I decided to use Zoom to recreate the experiences. Now I need a name for it.

Then, a memory flashed back: the muffled voices and clear, huge laughter I used to hear from Misenoma in my family house while I was playing in the next room when I was little and visiting my grandparents. “Misenoma! That’s exactly what I want to recreate!” I thought. 

For KoLe’s dream to succeed, we need many people with different backgrounds but similar hopes for our future to work together. I started this event so MiseNoMa could be an online community where we can all enjoy a positive and friendly community, just like the Misenoma room at my family’s house. I’m really looking forward to having you join us.

Voice Message in Text

Hi there. Thank you for considering joining our membership. I’m Satoko, the founder and bespoke artisanal experience coordinator of KoLe SHIKOKU Japan. I’d like to share why I decided to form this membership and explain what it is.

Here is the bottom line: Our membership is not about, you receiving a bunch of emails from us. I don’t like newsletters and offers filling up my inbox. So, I wouldn’t do that to our members. But would you let me contact you by email twice a month at the most.

I formed this membership because I wanted to show my appreciation directly and individually to people who support KoLe SHIKOKU Japan and provide enjoyable or useful content to our supporters. To do that, not only I need to know our member’s names and email addresses, but also, I better not assume what would be useful and enjoyable for our members. In this membership, you can tell me what you want to know about or what would be fun for you, and your voice will be heard.

One member once told me that she wants to design artisanal products from scratch, but she doesn’t know what yet. So, I decided to create 100 creative prompts to inspire the ideas. I’m still working on it. Once I’m done, I’ll put it up on the members-only webpage for all members to download.

So, that’s the main idea of our MiseNoMa membership. I’m hoping that someday, this membership will start to act like a club activity of KoLe SHIKOKU Japan or members to help each other with their expertise and strength in the future.
Do you like the idea? Join us today. I’m looking forward to receiving your subscription! Thank you!

About Us | What We Do | Redefining Luxury to Preserve Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future | The Filament Lamp Effect | Founder’s Story |